262 BEC /1//2

The Second Reformation : Reshaping the Church for the 21st Century / William A. Beckham. — Houston, Texas : Touch Publications, 1997. — 253 pages : ill.
ДКД 262 262.7 262.72 262.79 284.2
ДКД 262 262.7 262.72 262.79 284.2
I. Why a Second Reformation?
1. Unclogging the Drain
2. The Two-Winged Church
3. Larry: A Leadership Paradigm
4. Eddie: The Paradigm from the Pew
5. Teresa: An Apocalyptic Paradigm
6. Two-Winged Church Questions
7. The Benefits of the Two-Winged Church

II. Foundations for a Second Reformation
8. Church Structure Reflects God's Nature
9. The Transcendence and Immanence of Christ
10. Aquila and Priscilla - New Testament Community
11. The Theology of Luther, Spener, and Wesley
12. Christianity from the Neck Up

III. Jesus' Revolutionary Design for the Church
13. Jesus' Basic Building Block
14. Jesus' Revolutionary System
15. Jesus' Continuum
16. Jesus' Prototype
17. Jesus' Prototype Factors
18. Jesus' Leadership Strategy
19. Jesus' Support Network
20. Jesus' Base Congregation Remnant
21. Jesus' Critical Mass
22. Jesus' Critical Mass Components
Conclusion: The Doctrine of Revolution

The Second Reformation lovingly, yet firmly, challenges us to evaluate the church today. The author also suggests biblical and practical solutions to these problems.