262 HUG /1//1
Hughes, S. ;
Discovering Your Place in the Body of Christ / Selwyn Hughes. — Suffolk : Marshalls, 1982. — 60 pages : ill.. — (Christian Counselling Series). — ISBN 0-551-00946-2
ДКД 262
ДКД 262
1. What is the Church?
2. Basic gifts - gifts we have
3. A chart to help you discover your basic gift
4. The gifts of the Holy Spirit
5. The gifts of Christ
One of the reasons for frustration in the lives of many Christians is the simple fact that many have never discovered their basic ministry within the Body of Christ, the Church. Trying to work for God in a haphazard fashion, with no clear idea of how and what one should be contributing creates great strain in the life of a believer. This book shows how to discover your basic gift and gives clear guidelines on how to develop it. It also contains a helpful chart which has helped thousands discover and develop their unique ministry.