266 MCE /1//1
MceElligott, P. ;
On Giants' shoulders : A missionary testimony. WEC Japan / Patrick McElligott. — s. l. : s. n.. — 128 p.
ДКД 266 922
ДКД 266 922
1 Early years
2 A changed life
3 The plan unfolds
4 The Lion at the Gate
5 A change of course
6 Back to Deptford
7 In Rural Japan
8 The Lord adds to His Church
9 Village life
10 Home again
11 'Ishiyama' The Stone Mountain
12 The out working of the promise
13 Reluctant choice
14 'As your own poets have said...' Help from Issa
15 The miracle house
16 A longer stay than usual
17 The extended team
During our 30 years with CLC/WEC Interenational as missionaries to Japan God has graciously extended our team. As our responsibilities and needs increased so the Lord added to our team and through this tea He has made our long-term service in Japan a possibility and a reality. Without the continued prayer, fellowship ad cooperation of this team it would not be possible for us to serve God in Japan today.