266 WAG /1//1
Wagner, C.P. ;
On the Crest of the Wave : Becoming a World Christian / C. Peter Wagner. — Ventura, California : Regal Books, 1983. — 195 pages. — ISBN 0-8307-0895-2
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. Look at What God's Doing!
2. Are the Heathen Really Lost?
3. Every Christian is Not a Missionary
4. How the Machinery of Missions Runs
5. The Home Churches Behihnd the Missions
6. The Fourth Dimension of Missions: Strategy
7. The Power Source for Missions
8. Asking the Right Questions
9. Full Circle: Third-World Missions
10. Becoming a World Christian
In all of history, there has never been a more exciting time than this to be a Christian. A wave of world Christians is carrying the gospel to places it has never before reached. We are indeed in the springtime of missions. Members of the Church are wanting to get involved personally and be fully informed, but we must face this challenge realistically. Not many are called to be missionaries, yet we can all be involved right where we are. Peter Wagner gives us the facts in this popular, up-to-date missions classic. Ride the crest of the wave. Decide to become a world Christian. There has never been a better time to do it.