266 STO.W /1//1
Stockwell, F.O. ;
With God in Red China : The Story of Two Years in Chinese Communist Prison / F. Olin Stockwell. — New York : Harper & Brothers, 1953. — 256 p.
ДКД 266 248.4 248.8
ДКД 266 248.4 248.8
1. The fall of the House of Chiang
2. Chungking is liberated
3. Arrest and Imprisonment
4. Chinese Justice, 1951
5. I discover the New Testament
6. Introducing Paul and John
7. Memories and Miracles
8. What makes Communism click
9. Exit missions
10. Time shuffles along
11. John the Baptist, streamlined
This is the story of what is happening to Christians in China as told by one of the last missionaries to get out of Communist jails. The author went to China in 1929 as a Methodist missionary and in 1950 was imprisoned for two years for re-education and reformation. This is a true picture of the changes that occurred in China with the fall of Chiang Kai-Shek and the take-over by the Communist forces of Mao. A clean presentable copy in a Brodart mylar jacket.