266 BRE /1//1
Brewster, D. ;
Child, Church and Mission : A Resource Book for Christian Child Development Workers / Dan Brewster. — : Compassion International, 2005. — 192 pages : ill.
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Why Child, Church, and Mission?

I. Development in Biblical Perspectives
1. Why Children?
2. What the Bible Says About Children
3. The Ministry of Child Development
4. A Spiritual Understanding of Poverty

II. The Child and the Church
5. The Role of the Church
6. Why Caring for Children is the Particular Responsibility of the Church

III. The Child in the Church
7. Faith Development in Children
8. Characteristics of Child-Friendly Churches
9. Child Protection in Church Environments

IV. The Child and Mission
10. Mission - What the Church is Called to Do
11. Practical Issues in Mission and Children

V. Avenues for Advocacy
12. Non-Confrontational Advocacy
13. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
14. Networking on Behalf of Children
This book will help you go deeper in your understanding of God's heart for children, the current state of children aroundthe world today and the mandate the worldwide Church has to minister to these children and provide a holistic approach to discipleship.