262 FOL /1//1
Foltz, H. ;
Healthy Churches in a Sick World / Howard Foltz ; Ruth Ford. — Fairfax, Virginia : Xulon Press, 2002. — 287 pages : ill.. — ISBN 1-591601-97-5
ДКД 262
ДКД 262
I. The Diagnosis
1. A Litany of Symptons

II. The Prescription
2. A Church Is Born
3. Correcting the Deficiencies
4. The Picture of Health
5. The Great Physicians's Analysis

III. The Therapy
6. A Personal Examination
7. The Power of Preventive Medicine
8. Local Ministry - Beyond the Band-aid
9. Occupational Therapy

IV. The Prognosis
10. But My Church is Too Small
11. But We Never Did That Before
12. But We Can't Do It Alone
13. But My Church Is Dying

V. The Cure
14. Where Do We Go From Here?

This book is based on a simple, biblical premise - to be truly healthy, a church must minister within its own body, in its own community, and throughout the world. Building on patterns established by New Testament churches, this book features evaluation mechanisms to help you guage your church's vital statistics. The personal examination is designed to help you diagnose specific problems and write specific prescriptions. It offers suggestions to improve areas found to be weak, and it also highlights examples of churches that are effectively putting into practice the principles outlined in this book.