268 ROO /1//1
Rood, W.R. ;
The Art of Teaching Christianity : Enabling the Loving Revolution / Rood, Wayne R.. — Nashville : Abingdon, 1968. — 224 p : illustrations. — ISBN 0-687-01924-9
ДКД 268 268.6 268.4
ДКД 268 268.6 268.4
I Thinking about Teaching
1 The Nature of Teaching
2 The Content of Christianity
3 The Nature of Teaching Christianity
II Preparing for Teaching
4 Learners
5 Teachers
6 Content
7 Environment
8 Lesson Plans
III Teaching a Class
9 Lecturing
10 Storytelling
11 Visual Aids
12 Discussion
13 Group Activity
14 Dramatics
15 Worship
IV After Teaching a Class
16 Discipline
17 Evaluation
V Teaching with a Vision
18 Teaching the Bible
19 Teaching History
20 Teaching Theology
21 Teaching with Music
22 Teaching Teachers
23 The Christian Revolution
The book reflects a thorough knowledge of educational processes and a keen insight into what makes Christian teaching distinctive from other types of teaching-learning.