261.873 BUT /1//1
Buttry, D.L. ;
Christian Peacemaking : From Heritage to hope / Daniel L. Buttry. — Valley Forge : Judson Press, 1994. — 214 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-8170-1213-3
ДКД 268.873 261.84 261.8 261
ДКД 268.873 261.84 261.8 261
1. The Biblical Roots of Nonviolence
2. The Bible and Conflict Resolution
3. The Development of Nonviolence
4. The People Power Explosion
5. Conflict Resolution and Mediation
6. The Hard Work of Negotiating the Peace
7. Peacemaking at the Local Level
8. Peacemaking into the Next Century
In this thorough and definitive work on the peace movement, the author offers historical and biblical background as well as a report of recent and continuing community, national, and international happenings. From his firsthand experience he brings insight into the efforts for peace and justice in such areas as Nicaragua, El Salvador, Myanmar (Burma), and India.