248.3 CRU /1//3
Crump, D. ;
Kncking on Heave's Door : New Testament Theology of Petitionary Prayer, A / Crump, D.. — Grand Rapids : Baker Akademic, 2006. — ISBN 0-8010-2689-X
ДКД 248.3 248 230.0415 230
ДКД 248.3 248 230.0415 230

Title Page
Copyright Page
When Prayer Becomes a Burden

1. All Things Are Possible for Those Who Believe
Jesus Curses the Fig Tree
2. I Believe, Help My Unbelief
Prayer, Faith, and Miracles
3. Persistent Prayer
The Parable of the Friend at Midnight
4. Patient Prayer
The Parable of the Widow and the Judge

Theological Reflections on Prayer in the Synoptic Gospels

5. Praying to the Son’s Father
The Lord’s Prayer, part 1
6. God’s Will and Our Wishes
The Lord’s Prayer, part 2
7. Our Wishes and God’s Will
The Lord’s Prayer, part 3

Theological Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer

8. Asking in Jesus’s Name
Johannine Prayer
9. The Early Church at Prayer
The Acts of the Apostles
10. The Impossibility of Petition and Prayers of the Spirit
Pauline Prayer, part 1
11. Petitionary Prayer in the Life of Paul
Pauline Prayer, part 2
12. Paul the Intercessor
Pauline Prayer, part 3

Theological Reflections on Pauline Prayer
13. Asking Ethically
Petitionary Prayer in the General Letters and Revelation
14. Petition, the Hiddenness of God, and the Theology of the Cross

Subject Index
Index of Scripture and Other Ancient Writings
How are we to understand petitionary prayer? This is a key question for any thoughtful believer who desires to take both the Bible and experience seriously. Some believe God answers any prayer as long as the one praying has enough faith and/or persistence. Others conclude from experience that prayer is really for our benefit and has no impact on God's actions. According to David Crump, both views are extreme and potentially harmful. While books that deal with prayer from a devotional or experiential perspective have their value, Knocking on Heaven's Door takes a different approach. Crump carefully studies every New Testament passage that has to do with petitionary prayer and draws conclusions that are both theological and pastoral to help us understand the great mystery of prayer.