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Reality and illusion in New Testament Scholarship : Primer in Critical Realist Hermeneutics. — Collegevill : Liturgical Press, 1995. — ISBN 081465771-0
ДКД 225.6 225.07
ДКД 225.6 225.07
Contents Preface Part 1 Insight, Judgment, Reversal 1. Coups and Breakthroughs: Insights that make a difference 2. Marshalling and weighing evidence: A Judgment that has counted 3. Self-reversals, horizons, dialectic Part II: Roots of hermeneutical conflict 4. Critical realism and the true, the real, the Good 5. Theory of Interpretation, theory of history 6. Alienation and Illusion Part III: Theological Hermeneutics 7. Access to the Understanding of the New Testament on its own terms 8. Subjectively correlative to the Word of God Appendix Glossary Notes Bibliography Index
Reality and Illusion in New Testament Scholarship is a basic introduction to the theory of interpretation and theory of history for New Testament readers, students, and scholars. It offers an entry into the thought of the late, great Bernard Lonergan on insight and judgment, subjectivity and objectivity, horizons and changes of horizon, alienation and ideology. It focuses on what it takes to measure up to the literature of the New Testament.