261.85 BAK /1//1
Bakke, D.W. ;
Joy at Work : A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job / Dennis W. Bakke. — Seattle, Washington : PVG, 2005. — 314 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-9762686-0-4
ДКД 261.85 261
ДКД 261.85 261
1. My introduction to Work
2. A Miserable Workplace
3. From Misery to Joy
4. Honeycomb: Dynamics of a Joyous Workplace
5. Scorekeeping, Accountability, and Rewards
6. Leading to Workplace Joy
7. Purpose Matters
8. Pothole sin the Road
9. Another Crisis
Imagine a company where people love coming to work and are highly productive on a daily basis. This book challenges us to rethink the purpose of business in society.