261.836 REI /1//1
Reisser, T. ;
A Solitary Sorrow : Finding Healing & Wholeness After Abortion / Teri Reisser ; Paul Reisser. — Colorado Springs, Colorado : WaterBrook Press, 1999. — 222 pages. — ISBN 0-87788-774-8
ДКД 261.836 261.83 261.8
ДКД 261.836 261.83 261.8
I. The Silent Epidemic
1. The Experience No One Talks About
2. No Longer Coping
3. Beginning to Grieve

II. The Healing Journey
4. Facing the Past
5. Guilt and Forgiveness
6. Releasing the Anger
7. Accepting the Loss
8. Moving On

A Brief History of Post-Abortion Syndrome
Journaling Exercise: Created For Love
Teens and Abortion
More for Friends, Men, Family, and Pastors
Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Post-Abortion Syndrome
Suggested Resources
Fear, anger, shame, loneliness. The abortion experience raises a multitude of powerful and confusing emotions. This book addresses these intensely personal struggles and helps women find reconciliation, hope, and healing.