266 VER /1//1
Verwer, G. ;
Out of the Comfort Zone / George Verwer. — Mossbach, Germany : Operation Mobilisation, 2000. — 152 pages. — ISBN 0-7899-0225-7
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1. A Grace-Awakened Approach to Missions Work
2. We Are His Witnesses
3. Taking the Lead
4. Being a Missions Mobiliser
5. Future Missionaries - From Where?
6. Finance for the Work
7. Acts 13 Breakthrough

George Verwer has managed to write a book that is humble and hard-hitting at the same time. He doesn't pull any punches in his heart's cry for a grace-awakened approach to mission, and wants to cut through any superficial spirituality that may be lurking inside you.

His approach to mission is down-to-earth, honest, and thoroughly biblical. After 40 years of experience in mission George Verwer is still learning and open to change - and he expects no less of you. He shows how many Christians have the feeling that someone else will take care of it and have a vague detached and unrealistic attitude to what mission is about. This book will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and adjust your view of how missionary work is being done.