264.02 SRA /1//1
Srawley, J.H. ;
The Early History of the Liturgy / J. H. Srawley. — Second Edition, Revised. — Cambridge : University Press, 1957. — 240 pages
ДКД 264.02 264
ДКД 264.02 264
1. The Institution of the Eucharist and its Celebration in the Apostolic Age
2. The Eucharist in the Sub-apostolic Age and in Justin and Irenaeus
3. The Early History of the Liturgy at Alexandria and in Egypt
4. The Liturgy in Palestine and Syria
5. The Liturgy in other Eastern Churches
6. The Liturgy in Africa
7. The Liturgy in North Italy and at Rome
8. The Development of the Liturgy in East and West
9. Early Conceptions of the Eucharist as Illustrated by the History of the Liturgy
The work is a masterly, comprehensive, and matter of fact survey of the fragmentary, haphazard and varied evidence that has been preserved regarding the liturgical practices of the first four centuries.