266 TAY.S /1//1
Taylor, H. ;
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret / Dr. Howard Taylor ; Mrs. Howard Taylor. — London : China Inland Mission, 1955. — 178 pages
ДКД 266 922
ДКД 266 922
1. An Open Secret
2. Soul-Growth in Early Years
3. First Steps of Faith
4. Further Steps of Faith
5. Faith tried and Strengthened
6. Friendship and Something More
7. God's Way - "Perfect"
8. Joy of Harvest
9. Hidden Years
10. A Man Shut Up to God
11. A Man Sent From God
12. Spiritual Urgency
13. Days of Darkness
14. The Exchanged Life
15. No More Thirst
16. Overflow
17. Wider Overflow
18. Streams Flowing Still
This is the classic biography of Hudson Taylor, the missionary to China and the founder of the China Inland Mission. This is a must read for anyone considering missions or already engaged in it and encouragement to any Christian.