266 MIL.M /1//1
Miller, B. ;
Mary Slessor : Heroine of Calabar / Basil Miller. — Minneapolis, Minnesota : Bethany House Publishers, 1974. — 139 pages. — (Women of Faith). — ISBN 0-87123-849-7
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. The Dream That Came True
2. Calabar's Jungle Land
3. Adventuring for God in the Jungles
4. The Jungles of Okoyong at Last
5. Facing Cruel Tribal Customs
6. Building for God in the Jungles
7. The Dream That Did Not Come True
8. The Rich Fruitage of the Okoyong Labors
9. Taking Christ to Cannibal Land
10. Gypsying With the Gospel
11. Spending Herself for the Gospel
12. Exchanging Calabar's Cross for Heaven's Crown
The story of the slim Scottish girl who dreamed of bing a missionary to Africa.