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Carmichael, A. ;
Learning of God / Amy Carmichael ; Stuart and Brenda Blanch, ed.. — Fort Washington, Pennsylviania : Christian Literature Crusade, 2000. — 135 pages. — ISBN 0-87508-086-3
ДКД 266
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Amy Carmichael and the Dohnavur Fellowship
Introduction by Bishop Stuart Blanch
1. 1867 - 1901
2. 1901 - 1930
3. 1931 - 1951
4. Words of Wisdom
Amy Carmichaeal's Published Works
Amy Carmicheal was one of the great spiritual writers of this century, possessing a breadth of vision that transcended barriers of churchmanship and of culture. From India, where she made her home, she wrote prolifically: practical accounts of her work for children at Dohnavur alternated with books of spiritual guidance born of a life steeped in prayer and the Scriptures, and influenced by her wide-ranging reading of past Christian writers.

From her published books, many now out of print, the former Archbishop of York and Lady Blanch present their personal selection of prose and poetry, prefaced by a reminiscence of this remarkable woman who all her life learned of God and shared this with others.