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Karkkainen, V. ;
An Introduction to Ecclesiology, : Ecumenical, Historical & Global Perspectives / Veli-Matti Karkkainen. — Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, 2002. — 238 pages. — ISBN 0-8308-2688-2
ДКД 262 262.1
ДКД 262 262.1
Introduction: The role of ecclesiology in (systematic) theology

I. Ecclesiological Traditions
1. The church as an icon of the Trinity : Eastern Orthodox ecclesiology
2. The church as the people of God : Roman Catholic ecclesiology
3. The church as just and sinful : Lutheran ecclesiology
4. The church as covenant : Reformed ecclesiology
5. The church as the fellowship of believers : free church ecclesiologies
6. The church in the power of the spirit : Pentecostal/charismatic ecclesiologies
7. The church as one : the ecumenical movement ecclesiologies

II. Leading Contemporary Ecclesiologists
8. John Zizioulas : communion ecclesiology
9. Hans Küng : charismatic ecclesiology
10. Wolfhart Pannenberg: universal ecclesiology
11. Jürgen Moltmann : Messianic ecclesiology
12. Miroslav Volf : participatory ecclesiology
13. James McClendon Jr. : Baptist ecclesiology
14. Lesslie Newbigin : missionary ecclesiology
Concluding reflections on leading ecclesiologists

III. Contextual Ecclesiologies
15. The non-church movement in Asia
16. Base ecclesial communities in Latin America
17. The feminist church
18. African independent churches' ecclesiology
19. The shepherding movement's renewal ecclesiology
20. A world church
21. The post-Christian church as "another city"
Epilogue: Ecclesiological challenges for the third millennium.
This volume provides an up-to-date survey and analysis of the major ecclesiological traditions, the most important theologians and a number of contextual approach to answer the question: what makes the church church?