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Shenk, W.R. ;
Changing Frontiers of Mission / Wilbert R. Shenk. — Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 2001. — 207 pages. — (American Society of Missiology Series, No. 28). — ISBN 1-57075-259-1
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I. The Theological Frontier
1. The Mission Dynamic
2. Recoving the Fullness of hte Gospel

II. The Frontier in Theory and Practice
3. The Role of Theory in Anglo-American Mission Thought and Practice
4. Three Varieties of Mission
5. New Religious Movements and Mission Initiative: Two Case Studies
6. The Contribution to Missiology of the Study of New Religious Movements
7. The Wider Context of Conversion
8. Missionary Strategy

III. The Frontier of Contemporary Culture
9. The Church and Contemporary Culture
10. Training Missiologists for Western Culture

IV. Discerning Changing Frontiers
11. The Great Century Reconsidered
12. The Modern Missionary Movement: 1792-1992
13. Mission in Transition: 1970-1994
14. Missions in Search of Mission: The Changing Fortunes of the Mission Agency
15. The Future of Mission
Changing Frontiers of Mission reflects on the history of mission and seeks to discern its path for the future. Ever since Jesus' time, mission must precede the church. The renewal of hte church is linked to recovering this priority of mission. Unlike in the past, where the frontier was a geographical location, the future frontier is symbolized by outward movement, away from the status quo and toward new challenges, growth and opportunities.