248 BRI /1//2
Bright, Bill ;
Handbook for Christian Maturity : A Compilation of Ten Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity / Bright, Bill. — San Bernardino, California : Campus Crusade For Christ International, 1982. — 372 с. ; 21 см.. — A practicsl, easy to follow guide to the exciting adventure of joyful Christian living. — ISBN 0-86605-010-8 (soft cover)
ДКД 248 232.9 232.8 262.001 248.4 234.8 235.4 231.3 234.13 248.3 234.6 248.5 248.6 220.07
ДКД 248 232.9 232.8 262.001 248.4 234.8 235.4 231.3 234.13 248.3 234.6 248.5 248.6 220.07