262.7 WAD /1//1
Waddington, Eric F. ;
Ye Are My Witnesses / Eric F. Waddington. — London, England : Covenant Publishing, 1932. — 196 с.. — ISBN (hard cover)
ДКД 262.7 231.76 220.15 236 231.72
ДКД 262.7 231.76 220.15 236 231.72
I. The Gospel of the kingdom
II. Israel a theocracy
III. The witness of Jesus Christ
IV. The witness of the Jew
V. The Abrahamic covenant and the foundation of the kingdom
VI. The contrast between the two houses of Israel and Judah
VII. The temporal blessings to be entered into prior to the millennium
VIII. The identity of the Stone Kingdom with the Kingdom of Israel
IX. The identity of the Anglosaxons with the Israel of scripture
X. Things that must shortly come to pass
XI. The farewell appeal