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Hustad, D.P. ;
Jubilate II : Church Music in Worship and Renewal / Donald P. Hustad. — : Hope Publishing Company, 1983. — 599 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-916642-17-8
ДКД 264.2,
ДКД 264.2,
Foreward: The Pilgrimage of a Schizophrenic Musican
Introduction: Who are the Evangelicals?

I. General considerations
1. Music: God's Gift to Us
2. Church Music: A Functional Art
4. Authority and Responsibility in Church Music
5. The Nature of Christian Worship in Relation to its Musical Expression

II. History of Music in Christian Worship and Renewal
6. Music and Worship in Bible Times
7. Music in Worship and Renewal from the Second through the 15th Centuries
8. Music in Worship and Renewal in Europe in the 16th through the 18th Centuries
9. Music in Worship and Renewal in America through the 19th Century
10. Music in Worship and Renewal in America in the 20th Century

III. Practical Applications
11. Worship/Music Revolution in the Late 20th Century
12. The Drama of Worship for Contemporary Believers
13. Music in Special Services of Worship, including Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, and Child Dedications
14. Music in Evangelism: Proclamation and Education
15. Music in Foreign Missions: Proclamation and Education
16. Music for Choirs: Education and Pastoral Care
17. Music for the Congregation
18. Music for Instrumentalists
19. Music for Soloists and Small Ensembles
20. An Epilog: Is This One of God's Terrible Springtimes?
Dr. Hustad has completely updated, enlarged, and reorganized his 1981 volume which has been widely used as a textbook. This 1993 edition contains twenty chapters grouped in three sections: 1) General Considerations (A Church Music Philosophy); 2) History of Music in Christian Worship and Renewal; and 3) Practical Applications for the 21st century. Essential reading for thoughtful people concerned about worship, music, and the arts.