264 MAN /1//1
Man, R. ;
Proclamation and Praise : Hebrews 2:12 and the Christology of Worship / Ron Man. — Eugene, Oregon : Wipf & Stock, 2007. — 105 pages. — ISBN 978-1-55635-056-6
ДКД 264,
ДКД 264,
1. The Context of Hebrews
2. The Content of Hebrews
3. The Significance of Hebrews
4. Contiguous New Testament Themes
5. Towards a Christology of Worship
Insightful, biblical, theoligically astute, and well-communicated, Ron Man's presentation is a long overdue treatment of the Hebrews 2 passage. This is wonderful reminder that Jesus Christ himself is central to our worship. Using evidence gathered from the pages of scripture, the events of history, and the witness of hte Church, Man articulares with skill and conviction the truth about Christ being our worship leader.