264 WEB /1//1
Webber, R.E. ;
Ancient-Future worship : Proclaiming and enacting God's narrative / Robert E. Webber. — Grand Rapids, Mich. : BakerBooks, 2008. — 191 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8010-6624-5
ДКД 264,
ДКД 264,
I. Rediscovering God's story in worship
1. Worship does God's story
2. Worship remembers the past
3. Worship anticipates the future
4. How the fullness of God's story became lost
II. Applying God's story to worship
5. Worship: Transformed by remembrance and anticipation
6. Word: Transformed by the narrative nature of scripture
7. Eucharist: Transformed by the presence of God at table
8. Prayer: Transformed by recovering the style of ancient worship
With the many models of worship available, choosing a style to worship God can be a bit overwhelming. Is it better to go with traditional or contemporary models? Christians may find themselves asking how early believers worshiped and whether they can provide insight into how we should praise God today.