266 MAL /1//1
Malancea, M. (editor) ;
Evangelical Mission in the Eastern Orthodox Contexts : Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine / Malancea, M. (editor). — Chisinau : Universitatea Divitia Gratiae, 2013. — 163 pages : ill.
ДКД 266,
ДКД 266,
Introduction. The Importance of the Missiological Conference on the topic: Evangelical Mission in the Eastern European Orthodox context: Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine / Mihai Malancea
From marginalization to revitalization: Missiology's contribution to the renewal of theological curricula of theological institutions in Easter European contexts / Anne-Marie Kool
Recover the missionary memory. Russian Evangelicals in search of an appropriate missiology / Johannes Reimer
Mission as established presence and prophetic witness in culturally Orthodox Contexts / Parush R. Parushev
Mission of Evangelical churches in Moldova. End of the twentieth to the first decade of the twenty-first century / Vladimir Ubeivolc
How might work with vulnerable children and communities in an Orthodox context shape our thinking about ecumenicity, action and theology? A case study from Romania / Bill Prevette, David Chronic
Closing session / Mihai Malancea
Proceedings of a conference on evangelical missions in Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine