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Netland Harold A., ;
Encountering religious pluralism : the challenge to Christian faith & mission / Harold Netland. — Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2001. — 368 p.. — ISBN 97808308155240851114881
Theology of religions (Christian theology) Evangelicalism
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Part One: Religious Pluralism in Context
1. Shifting Perspectives on Other Religions
2. Contours of the Present: The Culture of Modernity
3. Discovering Religious Others
4. Religion & Spirituality in the Culture of Modernity
5. John Hick's Journey to Pluralism
Part Two: Engaging Religious Pluralism
6. Religions & Truth
7. The Prolems of Pluralism
8. Apologetics & Religious Pluralism
9. Evaluating Alternative Worldviews: The Question of Criteria
10. Toward an Evangelical Theology of Religions
Selected Bibliography
Index of Persons
Index of Subjects
A 2002 Christianity Today Book of the Year! The world is filled with religions. That is not a new observation. But the way we think about religious diversity, argues Harold Netland, is new. In this book Harold Netland traces the emergence of the pluralistic ethos that now challenges traditional Christian faith and mission. Identifying theologian and philosopher John Hick as the most influential apologist for religious pluralism, Netland interacts extensively with his thought. His incisive analysis leads to a sustained response to the philosophical questions raised about the nature of religious truth, the criteria for adjudicating rival truth claims and the implications for doing Christian apologetics. In his conclusion, Netland provides us with a framework for developing a comprehensive evangelical theology of religions. This book is essential reading for students, teachers and scholars wanting a thorough analysis of our contemporary religious context and guidance for responding to it faithfully for the sake of Christian truth and mission.