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Guder D. L., ;
Called to Witness : Doing Missional Theology / Darrell L. Guder. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2005. — 203 p.. — (The Gospel and Our Culture Series). — ISBN 9780802872227
Mission of the church Church Evangelistic work Missions
ДКД 266.001
ДКД 266.001
1. From mission and theology to missional theology
2. The Missio Dei: a mission theology for after christendom
3. The christological formation of missional practice
4. The church as missional community
5. The Nicene marks in a post-christendom church
6. The missional authority of scripture
7. The scriptural formation of the missional community
8. The worthy walk of the missional community after christendom
9. Missional leadership for the formation of the community's worthy walk
10. Missio Dei: integrating theological formation for apostolic vocation
11. Missional ecumenism: the vision and the challenge.
This volume gathers up the essays by which Darrell Guder has prodded, proviked, nudges, and stirred the theological academy toward rooting itself in the fundamental, course-altering recognition of the mission of God and the missional nature of the church.