305.6970944 CES /1//1
Cesari J., ;
When Islam and democracy meet: Muslims in Europe and in the United States / Cesari, Jocelyne. — 1st ed.. — New York : Palgrave Macmillan, ©2004. — 267 p.. — ISBN 0312294018
Muslims Islam Muslims Islam
ДКД 305.6970944
ДКД 305.6970944
Introduction: From Clash to Encounter 1
The Numbers Debate 9

Part I. Islam and the West: Mutual Transformation19
Islam as Stigma 21
The Secularization of Individual Islamic Practice 43
The Secularization of Islamic Institutions in Europe and the United States: Two Approaches 65

Part II. The Imagined Community 89
The Absolutized Community 91
The Virtual Community 111

Part III.The Reinvented Community: New Figures of Islamic Authority in the West 123
Bureaucratic and Parochial Leaders 125
Transnational Leaders and Charismatic Speakers 141
The Reformation of Islamic Thought 159
Conclusion: Toward a Reconciliation of Islam and the West? 175
Appendix I 183
Appendix II 185
Appendix III 199
Glossary 215
Notes 219
Bibliography 247
Index 263