220.601 THI /1//1
Thiselton A.C., ;
Hermeneutics : An Introduction / Anthony C. Thiselton . — Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans, ©2009. — 409 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8028-6410-9
ДКД 220.601
ДКД 220.601
Anthony Thiselton here brings together his encyclopedic knowledge of hermeneutics and his nearly four decades of teaching on the subject to provide a splendid interdisciplinary textbook. After a thorough historical overview of hermeneutics, Thiselton moves into modern times with extensive analysis of scholarship from the mid-twentieth century, including liberation and feminist theologies, reader-response and reception theory, and postmodernism. No other text on hermeneutics covers the range of writers and subjects discussed in Thiselton’s Hermeneutics.