262.0011 GIB /1//1
Gibble H. L., ;
Ecumenical Engagement for Peace and Nonviolence : Experiences and Initiatives of the Historic Peace Churches and Fellowship of Reconciliation / H. Lamar Gibble. — Elgin, Illinois : Historic Peace Churches/​FOR Consultative Committee, ©2006. — 233 p.
ДКД 262.0011
ДКД 262.0011
1. Early Cooperation to Resist War, Violence, and Conscription
2. Engagement During the Inter-War Period and World War II
3. Ecumenical Engagement for Peace During the Past Six Decades
A. Engagement During the Formative Years of the WCC
B. Engagement Related to WCC Violence/Non-violence Statement
C. Engagement Shifts to Miliarism/Disarmament Issues and Programs
D. Engagement Related to the WCC's Program to Overcome Violence

A. Satement of the Historic Peace Churches, Principles of Christian Peace and Patriotism
B. World Council of Churches "Report of the Consultation on Violence, Nonvoilence, and the Struggle for Social Justice"
C. Documents from the 2nd Historic Peace Churches' Consultation at Quaker Hill
D. World Council of Churches Central Committee Statement and Action, Violence, Nonviolence and the Struggle for Social Justice
E. Background Paper on World Council Program on "Violence, nonviolence and the Struggle for Social Justice"
F. Fifth Assemble of the World Council of Churches
G. Report of the WCC Corrymeela Consultation, Building a Culture o fPeace: the Churches' Contribution
H. Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Declaration on an Ecumenical Decade to Overcome Violence
I. The Historic Peace Churches and the Origin of the Decade to Overcome Violence
J. Members of the HPC/FOR Consultative Committee 1970-2006