215 DEY /1//1
DeYoung Donald B., ;
Science and the Bible : 30 scientific demonstrations illustrating scriptural truths / Donald B. DeYoung. Vol 1. — Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books, 1994. — 110 p. : ill.. — ISBN 0-8010-3023-4
УДК 215
ДКД 220.85
ДКД 220.85
1. Watch for the Rainbow
2. Plug into God's Power
3. God's Invisible Power
4. The Weight of Air
5. Singing Glasses
6. Bad Habits
7. The Lord's Strength
8. A Swinging Hammer
9. A Straight Path
10. Turning Away Anger
11. Popping the Cork
12. Splash!
13. Floating on Air
14. A Quick Change
15. Tornado in a Bottle
16. An Empty Heart
17. A Special Friendship
18. Walking through Doors
19. A Mystery
20. The Twinkling of an Eye
21. Safe from Blows
22. A Dependable Universe
23. Piercing the Heart
24. Nothing Hidden
25. What Is Faith?
26. Losing Excess Weight
27. A Forest Fire
28. Moving a Mountain
29. A Perfect Balance
30. Water of Life
These 30 science demonstrations illustrate the laws of nature as well as teach Bible principles and affirm God as Creator. They use common household objects and require little set-up time.