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Pelikan J. J., ;
The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300) : The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine / Jaroslav Pelikan. Vol. 3. — Chicago : University of Chicago Press, ©1978. — 333 p.. — (The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine). — ISBN 0-226-65374-90-226-65375-7
ДКД 230.09
ДКД 230.09


Primary Sources

The Middle Ages as Age of Faith

1. The Integrity of the Catholic Tradition

The Faith and the Creed

Faith, Hope, and Love

The Spirit and the Letter

The City of God

2. Beyond the Augustinian Synthesis

The Reconsideration of Dogma

The Rule of Prayer

The Sovereignty of Grace

The Claims of Reason

3. The Plan of Salvation

The Paradox of Justice and Mercy

The Discipline of Jesus

The Cross as Redemption of Manking

The Lord of History

4. The Communication of Grace

Mary as Mediatrix

The Communion of Saints

The Real Presence

The Grace of the Sacraments

5. The One True Faith

The Problem of Patristic Consensus

Schism, Sect, and Heresy

The Encounter with Other Faiths

Faith in Search of Understanding

6. Summa Theologica

The Reintegration of the Catholic Tradition

Natural Theology and the Scholastic Method

The Celestial and Ecclesiastial Hierarchies

The Vision of God

Seected Secondary Works

Index: Biblical General

"In this volume Jaroslav Pelikan continues the splendid work he has done thus far in his projected five-volume history of the development of Christian doctrine, defined as 'what the Church believes, teaches, and confesses on the basis of the word of God.' The entire work will become an indispensable resource not only for the history of doctrine but also for its reformulation today. Copious documentation in the margins and careful indexing add to its immense usefulness."—E. Glenn Hinson, Christian Century
"This book is based on a most meticulous examination of medieval authorities and the growth of medieval theology is essentially told in their own words. What is more important, however, then the astounding number of primary sources the author has consulted or his sovereign familiarity with modern studies on his subject, is his ability to discern form and direction in the bewildering growth of medieval Christian doctrine, and, by thoughtful emphasis and selection, to show the pattern of that development in a lucid and persuasive narrative. No one interested in the history of Christianity or theology and no medievalist, whatever the field of specialization, will be able to ignore this magnificent synthesis."—Bernhard W. Scholz, History
"The series is obviously the indispensable text for graduate theological study in the development of doctrine, and an important reference for scholars of religious and intellectual history as well. . . . Professor Pelikan's series marks a significant departure, and in him we have at last a master teacher."—Marjorie O'Rourke Boyle, Commonweal