266 CLO /3//1
Cloke P, ; Pears M., ;
Mission in Marginal Places : The Stories / Paul Cloke ; Mike Pears. — Milton Keynes : Paternoster , 2019. — 275 p.. — ISBN 978-1-78078-185-3978-1-78078-186-0
ДКД 266
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Introduction (Mike Pears and Paul Cloke)

Part I
1 The Story of the Grandmother on the Bus (Jane Grinonneau)
2 The Curate and the Eggs (Emma Neil)
3 Poverty Truth in Leeds (Andrew Grinnell)
4 Open Access and the Peace Meal (Simon Jay)
5 Moments of ‘Seeing’: Editorial Conversation (Mike Pears and Paul Cloke)

Part II
6 A Story of Restorative Justice (Ben Payne)
7 Living in Two Worlds (Harvey Kwiyani)
8 Night Outreach from the One25 Van (Gill Nowland)
9 Walking with the Anarchist and Squatter Community (Rob Schellert)
10 Encountering Other Worlds: Editorial Conversation (Mike Pears and Paul

Part III
11 Fires, Meat and Men: Transformative Community with Iranian Christians
(Rachael Bee)
12 The Hospitable Storyteller: Reflections on Chai and Chat in Calais’ Jungle
(Simon Jones)
13 Living in Tension: Open or Safe? (Dave Close)
14 Our Search to Belong (Cathy and John Wheatley)
15 Guest or Host? Editorial Conversation (Mike Pears and Paul Cloke)

Part IV
16 Changing Faith in Lebanon (Arthur Brown)
17 Journey with Darren (Barney Barron)
18 God in the Dark (Callum Sutherland)
19 Worlds Apart: Life on a South London Estate (Darius Weithers)
20 Creative Tension: Editorial Conversation (Mike Pears and Paul Cloke)

Part V
21 Who Is My Neighbour? (James Fawcett)
22 The Least of These (John Clifton)
23 Practising Environmental Mission in Possilpark (Ruth Webster)
24 Who Is My Neighbour? Editorial Conversation (Mike Pears and Paul Cloke)
The second book in the series focuses on participation and practice, and discusses a range of ways in which Kingdom-centred mission can be embedded in the actually existing realms of activity and need in marginal places. The book explores five different realms of practice, each presenting opportunities for innovative expressions of incarnational attentiveness to marginalised communities and people. It seeks to inspire prayerful and discerning activity that tunes into what Jesus is doing in local places, rather than providing any kind of "off-the-shelf" checklist of prefigured mission tactics. It challenges readers to take their faith-praxis beyond orthodox congregational settings and out into the everyday realms of life in marginal places.