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Knitter P., ;
No Other Name? : A Critical Survey of Christian Attitudes Toward the World Religions / Knitter, Paul F. . — Maryknoll, New York : ORBIS BOOKS, ©1995. — XVI+288. — ISBN 0-88344-347-3
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Contents Preface to the series Preface 1. One Confronts many Religious Pluralism: A Newly Experienced Reality The Possibility and Necessity of a Unitive Pluralism of Religions Threats and Opportunities for Christians Part I Popular Attitudes toward religious pluralism 2. All are relative Ernst Troeltsch: Advocate for Many Contemporary Theologians and Troeltsch Are All Relative? 3. All Are Essentially the Same Toynbee's Vision of the Oneness of Religions Other Views of the Common Essence All the Same? 4. Common Psychic Origin Jung: The Common Source and Function of Religions Other Psychological Views Harmonizing with Jung's Common Psychic Origin? Part II Christian Attitudes toward religious pluralism 5. The Conservative Evangelical Model: one true religion Evangelical Christianity Karl Barth: Advocate of the Conservative Evangelical Model The Evangelical Model: Insights and Inadequacies 6. The Mainline Protestant Model: Salvation only in Christ Revelation - Yes! Salvation - No! Mission Theologians and the Mainline Protestant Model The Mainline Proestant Model: Insights and Inadequacies 7. The Catholic Model: Many ways, one norm VaticanII: A Watershed Religions: Ways of Salvation Recent Developments - Beyond Rahner The Catholic Model: A Mainlne Christian Model The Catholic Model: Insights and Inadequacies 8. The Theocentric Model: Many ways to the center John Hick: The Myth of the Incarnation Raimundo Panikkar: The Universal Christ and the Particular Jesus Stanley Samartha: The Relativity of All Revelations Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Jesus Is Not the Final Messiah Liberation/Political Theologies: Absolute Norms Are Unethical Conclusion: An Evolutionary Shift in Christian Consciousness? Part III A More Authentic Dialogue 9. How is Jesus unique? Toward a Theocentric Christology A New Kairos, A New Christology Uniqueness and New Testament Christology Uniqueness and Exclusiveness Uniqueness and Contemporary Understandings of Incarnation Uniqueness and Liberation Christology What about the Resurrection? Conclusion: Uniqueness and Personal Commitment 10. Doing before knowing - The challenge of interreligious dialogue Dialogue as a Hermeneutics of Praxis Dialogue Based on a New Model of Truth The Need for a Global Theology What will Come? Is Jesus Unique? Notes Supplementary readings Index
An honest discussion regarding how devout Christians should react to the academic evidence and genuine personal experience that other religious ways result in engaged, loving and moral lives. Does being “saved,” by the Christian definition, require a faith in Jesus Christ – meaning the historical person – or rather is it only important that human beings life their lives in accordance to His teachings. This books argues that one can be committed to a savior of “some other name,” and simultaneously be aligned with Christian theologically and commitment.