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Gallaty R, Smith S., ;
Preaching for the Rest of Us : Essentials for Text-Driven Preaching / Robby Gallaty, Steven W. Smith . — Nashville, Tennessee : B&H Academic, ©2018. — 190 p.. — ISBN 978-14627-6162-3
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Preaching for the Rest of Us serves as a starter's guide to text-driven preaching. Driven by the conviction that pastors hold the weighty and honorable responsibility of explaining Scripture to their congregations, Gallaty and Smith present a clear step-by-step process for re-presenting Scripture in compelling text-driven sermons.
This unique type of preaching is the interpretation and communication of a text of Scripture driven by the substance, structure, and spirit of the text. It's not the presentation of a sermon, but the re-presentation of a text of a Scripture. For those who don’t feel trained for text-driven preaching, whose preaching template is tired and predictable, or need a preaching restart, Preaching for the Rest of Us provides a compelling reason and method for preaching texts of Scripture.