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Scherer J. A., Bevans S. B., ;
New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 3 : Faith and Cultural / James A. Scherer, Stephen B. Bevens . — Maryknoll, New York : ORBIS BOOKS, ©1999. — 240 p.. — (Faith and Cultures). — ISBN 1-57075-258-3
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ДКД 266.001
A Word on Style
Introduction: Faith and Culture in Perspective
James A. Scherer and Sephen B. Bevans
Part I
Perspectives on Inculturation
1. The Gospel as Prisoner and Liberator of Culture
Andrew F. Walls
2. The Incarnation of the Gospel in Culture: A Misionary Event
Aram I.
3. Contextualization: The Theory, the Gap, the Challenge
Darell I. Whiteman
4. Inculturtion: Win or Lose the Future?
Aylwrd Shorter
5. Inculturation of Faith or Indentification with Culture?
Robert J. Schreiter
6. Hearing and Talking: Oral Hermeneutics of Asiam Women
Kwok Pui-lan
7. Theses on Inculturation
Theological Advisory Commission of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference
8. Cultural Barriers to the Understanding of the Church and Its Public Role
Robert N. Bellah
9. Doing Theology as Inculturation in the Asian Context
Jose M. de Mesa
10. Called to One Hope: The Gospel in Diverse Cultures
Misimbi R. A. Kanyoro
11. Translatability and the Cultural Incarnations of the Faith
Kwame Bediako
12. Evangelization and Inculturation: Concepts, Options, Perspective
Paulo Suess
Part II
13. Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture
Lutheran World Federation
Introduction by S. Anita Stauffer
The Statement
14. On Intercultural Hermeneutics
World Council of Churchs
15. Report from the Ecumenical Conference on World Mission and Evangelization, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
World Council of Churches
New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 3 contemplates the relationship between Christian faith and human culture. Representing a variety of branches of the Christian church and located in areas around the world, the contributors express their views on the question of “inculturation” in this text designed for classroom use in courses on mission and world Christianity.