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Lygunda li-M F., ;
Transforming Missiology : An Alternative Approach to Missiological / Fohle Lygunda Li-M. — Carlisle, Cumbria : Langham Monographs, ©2018. — XXVIII p. + 234 p. . — ISBN 978-1-78368-364-2
ДКД 266.007
ДКД 266.007

Part I The Significance of the Research in Missiology and
Missiological Education Today
Chapter 1 The Need for Research on Missiological Education
1.1 Background: Motivation and Context
1.2 Problem Statement and Substantiation
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Aim and Objectives
1.5 Central Theoretical Statement
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Concepts Clarification
1.8 Organizational Structure of the Study
Part 2 Exploring the Literature on Missiology and Missio-
logical Education
Chapter 2 Trends in Missiology as a Scientific Reflection on Christian Mission
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Exploring Variant Trends in Missiological Literature
2.3 Emerging Trends in Missiology from Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries
2.4 Missiology as a Threefold Scientific Reflection during the Period of 1811–
2.5 Missiology as a Threefold Scientific Reflection during the Period of 1910–
2.6 Missiology as a Threefold Scientific Reflection during the Period of 1950–
2.7 Missiology as a Threefold Scientific Reflection during the Period of 1975–
2.8 Missiology as a Threefold Scientific Reflection during the Period of 1995 to
2.9 Some Significant Conclusions
Chapter 3 Conceptual and Philosophical Considerations in Missiological Educa-
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Concept of Missiological Education
3.3 Contemporary Models of Missiology in Theological Education
3.4 Missiological Education in the Light of Typologies of Theological Education
3.5 Missiological Education in the Light of Philosophies of Education
3.6 Concluding Considerations
Part 3 Missiology and Missiological Education in the DR
Chapter 4 Mapping the Historical Roots of the Protestant Missiology and Missio-
logical Education in the DR Congo
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Important Terminologies
4.3 Discusion about Frameworks to Understand the Missionary work in the
4.4 Protestant Missions, Mission and Missiological Education in the DRC
4.5 Some Roots of Missiology and Missiological Education in the RDC
4.6 Protestant Church, Mission and Missiological Education in the DRC (1970–
4.7 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 5 Missiology in Theological Education in the DR Congo: Empirical In-
vestigation and Findings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Research Design
5.3 Data Analysis
5.4 Ethical Considerations
5.5 Findings Presentation and Interpretation
Part 4 An Alternative Approach to Missiology and Missio-
logical Education
Chapter 6 Towards a Transforming Missiology for a Fruitful Missiological Educa-
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Need for a Transforming Missiology
6.3 Attributes of Missiology
6.4 The Tripartite Concern of Missiology
6.5 A Model of Missiological Higher Education Study Program
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Conclusions
7.3 Implications
7.4 Recommendations for Future Research
Appendix Research Questionnaire / Theology Students
About Langham Partnership
Dr Fohle Lygunda li-M provides a thorough analysis of missiological teaching in theological institutions in Africa, with special reference to ten Christian universities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His detailed examination of current teaching of mission theory and practice builds a solid foundation for the articulation of a new paradigm of missiological education. In this book, Dr Lygunda presents the case for a transformed approach to raising up seminarians who are equipped to lead indigenous missional churches that will fulfil the Great Commission in their own communities and beyond their national borders.