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Gilliland D. S., ;
The Word Among Us : Contextualizing Theology for Mission Today / Dean S. Gilliland. — Eugene, Origon : Wipf and Stock, ©2002. — 344 p.. — ISBN 1-57910-871-7
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Foreword David Alan Hubbard
Introduction Dean S. Gilliand
Part One
Foudations: The Word and the World
1. Contextual Theology as Incarnational mission Dean S. Gilliand
2. Old Testament Contextualization: Revelation and Its Environment Arthur F. Glaser
3. New Testament Contextualization: Continuity and Particularity in Paul's Theology Dean S. Gilliand
4. The New Covenant: Knowing God in Context Charles Van Engen
5. Form and Meaning in Contextualization of the Gospel Paul G. Hiebert
6. Contextualizing Communication Charles H. Kraft
Part Two
Ministry: Transformation Through the Word
7. The Context of Text: Transculturation and Bible Translation R. Daniel Shaw
8. Dimenions of Approach to Contextual Communication Viggo Sogaard
9. Croscultural Use of Leadership Concepts J.Robert Clinton
10. Contextualized Christian Social Transformation Edgar J. Elliston
11. Contextualizing Theology in the American Social Mosaic C. Peter Wagner
12. Contextual Considerations in Responding to Nominality Eddie Gibbs
13. Ethical Particularism as a Chinese Contextual Issue Tan Che-Bin
14. Contextualization Among Muslims: Reusing Common Pillars J.Dudley Woodberry
Appendix: Contextualization Models Dean S. Gilliland