220.83053 GIL /1//1
Giles K., ;
The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women : Are They Related In Any Way? / Giles, Kevin. — Eugene, Oregon : Cascade Books, ©2020. — 130 p. . — ISBN 978-1-7252-6138-9
ДКД 220.83053
ДКД 220.83053
In recent years the issue of domestic abuse and violence has gained a lot of attention as the extent of it has become known. Domestic abuse and violence is now of high concern to most churches because it is evident that domestic abuse figures are much the same in our churches, and possibly higher in evangelical churches where the headship of men and the submission of women is made the God-given ideal. In this book, Kevin Giles surveys competently the scientific information on this matter now available and notes that the consensus is that the most sure indicator of higher incidences of abuse are found in communities where men are privileged and expected to be in charge and women are subordinated. This, he argues, should make complementarians consider afresh if in fact the subordination of women is the God-given ideal, established in creation before the fall.