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Hill G. J., ;
Salt, Light and a Cities : Ecclesiology for the Global Missional Community / Hill, Graham Joseph . Volume 1. Western Voices. — Eugene, Oregon : Cascade Books, ©2017. — 341 p. . — ISBN 978-1-5326-0322-8
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Table of Contents

Title Page
Introduction: Theology for the Global Missional Community
Part I: Surveying the Euro-American Landscape

Roman Catholic

Chapter 1: Catherine Mowry LaCugna: The Church as
Trinitarian Community
Chapter 2: Karl Rahner: The Church as Community of Wit-
Chapter 3: Hans Küng: The Church as Eschatological
Community of Salvation
Chapter 4: Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI): The Church
as Communion

Eastern Orthodox

Chapter 5: Frederica Mathewes-Green: The Church as An-
cient Faith
Chapter 6: John Zizioulas: The Church as Eucharistic
Chapter 7: Thomas Hopko: The Church as Fullness of
Chapter 8: Vigen Guroian: The Church as Peculiar, Ethical


Chapter 9: Letty Russell: The Church as Household of
Chapter 10: Sarah Coakley: The Church as Desirous, Pray-
ing, Trinitarian Community
Chapter 11: Jürgen Moltmann: The Church as Messianic,
Relational Koinonia
Chapter 12: John Webster: The Church as Communion of

Free Church

Chapter 13: Reta Halteman Finger: The Church as
Community of Shared Meals
Chapter 14: Miroslav Volf: The Church as Image of the
Chapter 15: Barry Harvey: The Church as Altera Civitas
Chapter 16: Stanley Hauerwas: The Church as Community
of Character
Chapter 17: The Global Church: Encountering God’s Global Mis-
sion and Church
Chapter 18: The Mission-Forged Church: Participating in the Mis-
sion of God
Chapter 19: The Christ-Centered Church: Following the Messiah
and His Mission
Chapter 20: The Spirit-Empowered Church: Responding to the
Spirit’s Power and Presence
Chapter 21: The Trinity-Imaging Church: Reflecting Trinitarian
Communion and Mission
Chapter 22: Salt, Light, and a City: Being the Global Missional

Resources at TheGlobalChurchProject.com
Jesus is calling his church to be a multiethnic and missional people who listen and learn from the many voices of world Christianity. Graham Joseph Hill issues a moving call for churches to be missional by being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Hill does this by exploring the thinking of twenty-five Asian, African, Latin American, Indigenous, African American, diaspora, Caribbean, Oceanian, Eastern European, and Middle Eastern pastors and theologians. These are as diverse as Melba Padilla Maggay, Emmanuel Katongole, Lamin Sanneh, Oscar Muriu, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Pope Francis, Richard Twiss, Lisa Sharon Harper, Willie James Jennings, Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Soong-Chan Rah, and Mitri Raheb.
These voices show us the future of missional churches in world Christianity. When churches are conformed to Christ they make disciples, heal a broken world, and witness to Jesus and his gospel. Jesus forms us in his image and moves us to be a people of shalom, humility, character, justice, peace, wisdom, prayer, beauty, and witness. The church has had a Reformation but now it needs a Conformation. Hill explores biblical themes and the voices of world Christianity to show that a missional church is conformed to the image of the incarnate, crucified, resurrected, and glorified Christ. Conformity to Christ is the heart of missional ecclesiology and discipleship.