266.00947709 WHI /1//1
White J. E., ;
Factors Behind the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999 / White, John Edward . — Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, ©2020. — XIII p. + 285 p. . — (Evangelical Missiological Society Monograph). — ISBN 978-1-5326-6539-4
ДКД 266.00947709
ДКД 266.00947709
Table of Contents

Title Page
Foreword by Donald Fairbairn
1. Introduction

Problem Statement
Purpose Statement
Research Questions
Significance Statement
Direction for Research

2. The Socio-Political Context of the Former Soviet Union

Class and Social Networks in the Former Soviet Union
Other Social Factors in the Former Soviet Union
Politics, Religion, and Worldview in the Former Soviet Union
Conclusions for the Socio-Political Context of the Former Soviet
The State of the Evangelical Church Before Perestroika
The State of the Evangelical Church During and After Perestroika
The Ukrainian Missionary Surge From 1989 Onward
Summary of Potential Factors Behind the Missionary Surge
Directions for Further Research

4. Methods and Procedures

Justification for the Research Paradigm
Data Collection Strategies and Procedures
Ethical Considerations
Data Analysis Strategy
Data Validation Strategy
Conclusion for Methods and Procedures

5. Results: The Story of the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from
1989 to 1999

Preparation for the Surge in Soviet Times
Timing of the Surge
Source: Centers of Missionary Development
Vision 1: The Idea of Missions
Vision 2: God’s Call and Answered Prayer
Means 1: Tools for Ministry
Means 2: Missionary Structures
Means 3: Financial Support
Opportunity 1: Common Territory, Language, and Culture
Opportunity 2: Freedom for Missionary Work
Opportunity 3: God’s Grace at Work
Comparison of Findings With the Literature Review

6. Summary: A Model for the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge
from 1989 to 1999

Most Important Factors in the Missionary Surge
Centers for Missionary Development
Change: The Idea and Value of Missions
Change: Motivation for Becoming a Missionary
Communication and Facilitation Agents
Context for Missions
Comparison With Other Historical Missionary Surges
Comparison With Other Contemporary Surges in Eastern and
Central Europe
Recommendations for Further Research

Appendix A: The History of Missionary Surges

Historical Examples of Missionary Surges
Summary of Important Categories of Factors behind Missionary
Eastern and Central European Missionary Surges from 1989

Appendix B: Participant Information
Appendix C: Comparison of Change Models with the Missionary Surge

Means 1: Tools for Ministry

Means 2: Missionary Structures

Means 3: Financial Support

Opportunity 1: Common Territory, Language, and Culture

Opportunity 2: Freedom for Missionary Work

Opportunity 3: God’s Grace at Work

Comparison of Findings With the Literature Review


6. Summary: A Model for the Ukrainian Evangelical Missionary Surge from 1989 to 1999

Most Important Factors in the Missionary Surge

Centers for Missionary Development

Change: The Idea and Value of Missions

Change: Motivation for Becoming a Missionary

Communication and Facilitation Agents

Context for Missions

Comparison With Other Historical Missionary Surges

Comparison With Other Contemporary Surges in Eastern and Central Europe


Recommendations for Further Research

Appendix A: The History of Missionary Surges

Historical Examples of Missionary Surges

Summary of Important Categories of Factors behind Missionary Surges

Eastern and Central European Missionary Surges from 1989

Appendix B: Participant Information

Appendix C: Comparison of Change Models with the Missionary Surge


Throughout its history, the Soviet Union was one of the most closed places in the world to missionary work. As perestroika came in the late 1980s and the Soviet Union fell in 1991, a spiritual vacuum formed as massive numbers of people became interested in Christianity. An unprecedented freedom allowed evangelicals to engage in missionary work.

Much has been written about foreign evangelical missionary work during this period, but virtually nothing has been written about nationals doing ministry. This book examines the remarkable surge in Ukrainian evangelical missionary work from 1989 to 1999.

Both Baptists and Pentecostals engaged in a wave of missions, flowing from Ukraine to the end of the earth: Siberia. What were these pioneering missionaries like? What motivated them? What enabled them to do what had been forbidden for so long? What legacy did they leave for us today? What can we learn from their example for future missions?

This book also looks at how a surge in missions takes place, analyzing the factors behind the Ukrainian evangelical missionary surge by looking at different models for change. Here we consider: what steps can we take to help bring about new missionary surges?