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Hoke S., Taylor B., ;
Global Mission Handbook : A Guide for Crosscultural Service ; Hoke Steve, Taylor Bill . — Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Books , ©2009. — 303 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8308-3717-5
ДКД 266.023023
ДКД 266.023023
About the Authors
Begining your journey to the nations: A Personal Fitness Assessment
Introduction: What Does It Take to Be Prepared? Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
My Journey, Taylor Martyn
This Handbook is for You! Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Global Perspectives, Reuben Ezemadu
The Global Canvas: How Your Story Fots into the Big Picture, Bill Taylor and Steve Hoke
Ancient Principles for Our New World of Partnership, David Ruiz
Missions in a World That Is Flat and Tilted, Paul McKaughan
Participate in the Story of His Glory, Bill Taylor
Missions in the Contexts of Suffering, Bill Taylor
Grounding the Journey: Four Personal Finess Assessments, Steve Hoke
How Can This Training Profile Serve You? Bill Taylor
Training Profile of a Crosscultural Servant, Steve Hoke
Assessment Two: Evaluating Your Readiness with Real-Life Case Studies, Bill Taylor
Our Journey, Malcolm and Liz McGregor
Phase One: Getting Ready
1. Personal Spiritual Formation, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Longing for Godat the Heart of Mission, Bill O'Byrne and Tom Ashbrook
What's Your God Language? Myra Pernine
I Pledge Allegiance to the Kingdom of God, Chris Hoke
Creating Your Personal Calling Statement, Steve Hoke, Gary Mayes and Terry Walling
Discovering Your Ministry Passion, Steve Hoke
Global Perspectives, Steve Moore
Reflections on the Missionary "Call": A Letter to James and Maria, Bill Taylor
The Call to Missions, Paul Borthwick
My Journey, Tonica van der Meer
Answers to Questions About Women in Missions, Lisa Horn
Global Perspectives, Richard Tiplady
Journal Worksheet One, Steve Hoke
2. Discovering Your Ministry Identity in the Body of Christ
Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Assessment Three: DiscoveringYour Blueprint for Living, Paul Ford
For Best Results, Steve Hoke
Why Wait Till You Get There? Mala Malmstead
Four Building Blocks for Lifetime Service, Robertson McQuilkin
My Journey, Piers Vander
Developing Your "Thrival" Strategy, Steve Hoke and Myra Perrine
Jesus' Words about Family, Chris Hoke
My Journey, Min-Young Jung
International Students: Crosscultural Witnes at Home, Daniel Brannen
Global Perspectives, Jim Tebbe
Journal Workssheet Two, Steve Hoke
3. Exposure to Other Cultures, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Take the Short Step, Gene Smillie
Let's Grow! Linda Olson
Discover the Best Short-Term Mission for You, StevenC. Hawthorne
My Journey, Pablo Cortes
Short-Term Missions as Spiritual Exercise, Robert Reese
Eyes Wide Open: Developing Cultural Intelligence, David Livermore
Global Perspectives, Kirk Franklin
Prison, Pilgrims and Transformaton: Understanding Your Cultural Captivity, Sherwood Lingenfelter
Flying with Two Wings: The Role of Short-Term Missions, Bill Taylor
Global Perspectives, Rose Dowsett
Putting It All Together: Five Ways to Sort Through Your Options, Steve Hoke
Journal Worksheet Three, Steve Hoke
4. Critical Issues in Schooling and Support Raising, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
A Metaphor for Ministry Learning, Steve Hoke
Options for Learning: Formal Education for Crosscultural Service, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Keys to Raising Your Personal Support, Steve Shadrach
Global Perspectives, Tonica van der Meer
Meeting the Educational Needsof your Children, Janet Blomberg
Top Fourteen Questions Perspective Missionaries Ask, John McVay
Global Perspectives Harry Hoffman
Health Preparations for Crosscultural Living, Barbara Grogg
Journal Worksheet Four, Steve Hoke
Phase Two: Getting There
5. Church and Agency Connecting and Courting, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
How to Choose a Sending Church or Agency:
A Letter to Raquel and David, Bill Taylor
Global Perspectives, Peter Maiden
What the Sending Church or Agency Wants to Know About You, Bill Taylor
Calling for the Return of the Long-Term Servant, Bill Taylor
My Journey, Harry Hoffman
On the Cusp of Your Departure: A Letter to Anne and Jay, Bill Taylor
Raising the Standard for Missionary Care, Neal Pirolo
Challenges of Single Women: Results of a Field Survey, Peter's Wife
My Journey, Peter Tarantal
Good News and Bad News in the North American Missios Movement, Michael Jaffarian
Journal Worksheet Five, Steve Hoke
6. Ministry Role and Assignment Search, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
The Missionary Praparation Matrix, Steve Hoke
A Prophetic Call to "Sub-merge", John B. Hayers
Global Perspectives, Bob Creson
What About the Poor? Paul Borthwick
Serving the Poor: Steps to Relief and Development Ministries, Samuel, J. Voorhies
Your Professional Skills Can Have Kingdom Impact, Landa Cope
Healthcare and Missions, John McVay
Global Perspectives, David Tai-Woong Lee
Removing the Fear Factor, Steve Hoke
Decision-Making Worksheet, Steve Hoke
My Journey, Rose Dowsett
"Get Smart" Abut Mission, Janet Cockrum
Journal Worksheet Six, Steve Hoke
7. Hands-On Missionary Training, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Why Overseas Ministry Training Works, Roger Charles
Customize Your Pefield Training, Steve Hoke
My Journey, Dave Livermore
On-the-Ground Training: The TIMO Case Study, David Henning
Teamwork at the Jesus Restaurant, Scott Olson, Rick Knox and Susan Pearson
Developmnt Roles for the Viable Missionary, Brent Lindquist
Global Perspectives: Doug Mitts
Missionaries Know How Read Romans 13, Chris Hoke
My Journey, Gio
Journal Worksheet Seven, Steve Hoke
Phase Three: Getting Established
8. Apprenticeships and Internships, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Model for a First-Year, On-Field Internship, Steve Hoke
Global Perspectives, Brent Neely
Barefooting: Your First Year in the Field, Stive Hoke
My Journey, Reuben Ezemadu
baggage Claim Exercise, Ted Ward
Why I Love Failing Spanish 1, Janet Cockrum
Journal Worksheet Eight, Steve Hoke
9. Lifelong Learning, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Gaining Perspective: The Symbol Timeline Exercise, Steve Hoke and Terry Waling
Living with the Darkness in Our Past, Brent Lindquist
Global Prspectives, Peter Tarantal
On the Bench: God's Shaping in isolation, Shelley Trebesch
Living Under an Open Heaven: Reflections on Genesis 28 and 35, Bob Ekblad
Practical Ways to Give Roots to Missionary Kids, Ruth Van Reken
Schooling Resources for missionary Kids, Ruth Van Reken
Taking Sabbaticals Seriously, Steve Hoke
Personal Development Plan Worksheet, Steve Hoke
10. Finishing Strong and Well , Bill Taylor and Steve Hoke
What About Missionary Attrition? Bill Taylor
Six Characteristics of Leaders Who Finish Well, E. David Dougherty
A Personal Effectiveness Checklist, Steve Hoke
My Journey, Jim Tebbe
The Power of Mentoring, Steve Moore
Mentoring That Makes a Difference, Shelley Trebesch
Global Perspectives, Jamie Wood
Exercise: Finding Personal Mentors, Steve Hoke and Terry Walling
Helping TCKs Finish Well, Ruth Van Reken
Our Last Words and Your Journey: Looking Back and Moving Ahead, Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
Appendix 1: Resources
Appendix 2: Biliography
Appendix 3: Three Small-Group Leaders Guides

Considering a career in crosscultural ministry?
Veteran mission professionals Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor offer a practical guide for preparing for intercultural missions. They provide resources for personal spiritual preparation as well as crosscultural skills and hands-on missionary training. They outline the process for finding actual placement with a sending church, mission agency or organization, with key questions you should be asking along the way.
This guide also includes material on the latest developments and issues in mission, such as

religious pluralism and Jesus
globalization and culture
business as mission and community development
global poverty and human trafficking
HIV/AIDS and malaria
international justice and commercial sex workers

And it is filled with real-life examples of people mobilizing for mission around the world.
Previously published as Send Me! Your Journey to the Nations, this handbook has been completely revised and significantly expanded to be even more comprehensive and useful. Global Mission Handbook is an indispensable guide for following God's call wherever he may lead you.