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Willis M., Fass M., ;
Faith in Governance : Renewing the Role of the Director / Willis, Michael; Fass, Michael. — London : Industrial Christian Fellowship, 2004. — ISBN 0-900487-01-1
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The purpose of this book is to provide a practical guide to corporate governance for directors in a variety of settings - family company, not for profit, limited by guarantee etc. The layout of the book is therefore designed to break down barriers between theory and practice and to make plain to everyone the way directors should govern their organisations. The book is about finding ways for directors to renew their roles and is therefore always ‘action orientated’ because the authors want both individual directors and whole boards to work better. Each chapter encourages readers to reflect upon their own role as a director and to draw upon their own knowledge and experience to identify practical ways to implement the proposals that are outlined. The overall aim of the book is to encourage readers to take up the role of a faithful governor that will go beyond the simple fact of their directorial status or function