230 KAU /1//1
Kaufman G., ;
In Face of Mystery : A Constructive Theology / Kaufman, Gordon D.. — London : Harvard University Press, 1995. — ISBN 0-674-44575-9 (cloth)0-674-44576-7 (pbk.)
ДКД 230
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In the symbolic world of Christianity, which millions have inhabited for centuries, is there room for modern and postmodern life―for today’s real world of cultural relativism and religious pluralism, of scientific knowledge and historical understanding? In Face of Mystery draws these two worlds together in a full-scale reconception of Christian theology.

Theology, Gordon Kaufman suggests, is an imaginative construction, the creation of a symbolic world for ordering life. As it has been constructed, so it can be reconstructed, and Kaufman does so in a way that clarifies both the historic roots and the present-day applications of Christian symbolism