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Gaukroger S., ;
Why bother with mission? / Gaukroger, Stephen. — Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press, 1996. — ISBN 0-85111-169-6
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It's not really a good idea to read this book. What chance do you as an ordinary Christian have to make a difference in a needy world? Besides, there are a lot more exciting things to be involved in when it comes to your local chruch. Surely it's a lot of bother for you to link up with God's world wide search-and-rescue mission whether in a supportive, informed role, or as a mission worker sent out to cross barriers of society, language or geography? If you can't face an informative, insipring, heartfelt guide to mission today, then what you can do - avoid this book at all costs, especially if you are an ordinary unheroic Christian (at the moment)