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Shenk D. W., ;
Global Gods : Exploring the role of religions in modern societies / Shenk, David W.. — Scottdale : Herald Press, 1995. — ISBN 0-8361-9006-8
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David W. Shenk looks at world religions and ideologies from the viewpoint of a Christian experienced in interfaith dialogue. Global Gods explores ten religious or ideoogical options, including African traditional religion, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, the European Enlightenment, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Marxism, and Platonism. The author honestly assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each major stream. And he interacts with sophisticated currents of thought while keeping his presentation clear and accessible.

Global Gods contributes to the growing conversation about the role of religion and ideology in society. In an increasingly pluralistic world, the issues Shenk explores are not only theoretical but have practical urgency