235.4 RAN /1//1
Rankin J., Stetzer E., ;
Spiritual warfare and missions : The battle for God's Glory among the nations / Rankin, Jerry; Stetzer, Ed. — Nashville : B&H Academic, 2010. — xi, 309 p. ; 24 cm.. — ISBN 978-0-8054-4887-0
ДКД 235.4
ДКД 235.4
God's purpose : to be exalted among the nations -- Satan's purpose : oppose the kingdom, deprive God of the praise due Him -- Understanding Satan : adversary and deceiver of the nations -- Satan's strategy : keep nations closed to the gospel -- Satan's strategy : keep people groups hidden from our awareness -- Satan's strategy : persecution of believers and the church -- Satan's strategy : convince Christian missions is optional -- Satan's strategy : Erode the authority of God's word -- Satan's strategy : distort the call of God -- Satan's strategy : erode the faith of God's people -- Satan's strategy : destroy the spiritual vitality of the church -- The final victory : will we be found faithful?
Through deceit, he is eroding the authoritative mandate of Scripture, leading believers to tell themselves that international discipleship is a task better left to denomination
and mission agencies—not the sort of kingdom work that every believer can do.
But for every evil success, Rankin and Stetzer point to where Satan is failing, thus encouraging readers to renew their passion to declare God’s glory among the nations. Indeed, by taking up the call to action here, we can be sure that the kingdoms of the world will become the kingdom of the Lord