232.3 VID /1//1
Vidu A., ;
Atonement, law, and justice : the cross in historical and cultural contexts / Vidu, Adonice. — Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2013. — xxiii, 286 pages ; 23 cm. — ISBN 978-0-8010-3919-5 (pbk)
ДКД 232.3
ДКД 232.3
1. Justice, Law, and the Cross in Patristic Thought--
2. Medieval Atonement and the Legal Revolution--
3. The Reformation: Luther, Calvin, and the Tradition of Penal Substitution--
4. Modernity: Atonement and the Cure of the Soul--
5. Atonement and the Postmodern Critique of Law--
6. Atonement and the Perfection of Divine Agency--