241.0412092 THE /1//1
Lovering E.H., Sumney J.L., ;
Theology and ethics in Paul and his interpreters : essays in honor of Victor Paul Furnish / Lovering, Eugene H.; Sumney, Jerry L. (ed.). — Nashville : Adingdon Press, 1996. — x, 333 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.. — ISBN 0-687-00767-4 (alk. paper)
ДКД 241.0412092
ДКД 241.0412092
This significant volume draws together an exceptional list of contributors to honor the life and work of Victor Paul Furnish. Doing credit to the focus and character of Furnish's career as a scholar, educator, and churchman, the individual essays, and the volume as a whole, have been written in a way that renders them accessible to seminary students in the classroom and that builds substantially on Furnish's own work. The book is structured in three parts: (1) Theology and Ethics in Paul (focusing on individual Pauline texts and on the broader themes, foundations, and context of Paul's theological and ethical thought); (2) Theology and Ethics in Paul's Earliest Interpreters (both in the NT and in the church which came to accept Paul's letters as canonical); and (3) Paul in Contemporary Theology and Ethics (engaging Furnish's own work as well as that of his colleagues and students in the area of Pauline theology and ethics).